dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2012


Robert,és un noi que ha vingut del Regne Unit al nostre institut per fer d’auxiliar de conversa en anglès. Aquest noi es quedarà tot l’any i esperem aprendre molt amb ell. Per això, aquesta entrevista es farà en anglés: -What’s your favourite football team? My favourite football team is Chelsea. I don’t like football very much, in spain my favourite football team is Barça. -What’s your favourite food? My favourite food in Spain is tortilla and paella, in England my favourite food is English breakfast: sausages and eggs. -What city do you come from? It’s the same of Cubelles. -What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is Rugby. -Do you like Spain? Yes, I love spain. -What do you do in your free time? I like go to the beach with my friends. Pablo Bondia Rubio

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